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book reading

From awesome meal inspiration to stories that take you behind the scenes, get the dish on all the ways Vevan makes your cheese-lovin’ dairy-free dreams come true.

Make Every Dish Better with a Bold Classic

From tacos and salads to casseroles and potato dishes, Vevan Ched adds a sharp bite of bold flavor that just can’t be beat. It’s super versatile for breakfast, lunch or dinner recipes, but we also love it just the way it is. Read more >

Stacks of Ideas for Using Vevan

Hearing how people love and use Vevan is at the top of our “happy things” list, and it turns out, the new Vevan Stack Packs are creating lots of buzz and inspiring deliciously creative ideas from Insta influencers. Read more >

Extra Cheese? Not with Ideas Like These

Having too much cheese isn’t a problem we know well – but we’ve heard rumors that it happens sometimes. Fortunately, cheese is a super-versatile ingredient that you can combine with other extras and leftovers, so you can do your part to prevent food waste. Read more >

Discover More Ways to Love Mozza

Discover More Ways to Love Mozza

When we first started creating flavor profiles for Vevan, we put Mozza high on the list. Why? Because it’s a must-have in most kitchens. The smooth, creamy flavor is super versatile, and there’s just something about a giant glob of melty-gooey Mozza that simply makes the world seem right. Read more >

Lovin’ All the #VevanLove

Lovin’ All the #VevanLove

Pardon us for being – ahem – cheesy, but this week seems like the perfect time to give a little love to some loyal Vevanites who are showing their love for Vevan in lots of fun and delicious ways! Read more >